during exams today, my mind keep thinkin bout wad happened ytd.
can't concentrate, feels lyk cryins even though im doin my paper.
boy, iim jealous jealous & JEALOUS !. u knows???.
ii love youus more than iim loving myself .

Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
shall update bout friday bahs .
went to plaza sing to watch mid-nite movie wiif boy .
boy mit miie at plaza sing cus he bring his mummy & sis go ritz eat dinner .
stupid him dun wans bring miie go dere eat .
ii tot ii'll reach dere first b4 him, but in e end he reach first .
den he nag miie for being late wen iim onliis late fors awhile onli lors .
he ask miie y ii took such a long time , ii replied : "cus ii went to toilet ma ". tsk.
ii wanted to watch e movie '200 pounds beauty', but plaza sing is nt showin e movie .
at tat time all e movie tat cans b show is almost all R21, ii was lyk "arghh" !.
cus ii cnt watch.
den boy ask miie wait for him at one side , he go buy e tickets for miie .

he bought e 'The hills have eyes 2' de movie & is R21
ii was lyk siian diiao, ii dun look lyk im 21 lahs.
den iif e person check hw?.
den boy keep sayin nvm de lahs. b calm, if e person ask for my IC jiu say ii 4get to bring.
& ii really managed to get in !. hohoho ~
den stupid boy jiu say :" tat gal c miie shuaii lahs, so she nv checked . ''
arghh, stupid him !.
talk bout e movie bahs , 'The hill have eyes' is a horror movie.
& wiif Strong Violence & Gore scene .
most part of e movie is lyk so disgustin & scary lors .
& stupid boy dun find it scary lors , ii almost wanna cry liiaos .
but luckily ii have fatty pig by my side , hohoho .
ii rmb sme1 did scream at one part of e movie & 2 girls sittin bside miie left at e v.start of e show.
e show ended at ard 1 plus goin to 2 , den we went to tke bus hme .
boy saw his fren at e bus - stop , e girl which he dun wish to mit .
& tat girl tkin e same bus wiif us .
went our bus came , stupid boy say he din wanted to board e same bus wif her .
ii was lyk so so so angri at first lahs .
ii wanted to board tat bus so badly & ii oso duno y .
haiis , angri oso no use , tat bus hab already went off .
so we waited for e next bus .
& e next bus was lyk so so so so damns long den come lahs .
boy send miie hme & ii reached hme bout 3 am ++ .
daddy & mummy din noe bout it .
friday was indeed e most happiest dae ii had .
but ii 4get to tke a pic wiif him . LOLS .
anyways ,
thanks boy !. ii know u'r tired tat dae but u still pei miie go watch .
realli thanks loads loads loads !.
ii really enjoy e times spend wiif youus tat dae !.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
hellos :D
ii finally hab time to BLOG !.
hohoho ~
alrite , shall post fotos taken on 21.o4.o7 .
it was huili's b'dae .
miie , chiayee , wenjie kelly , kaixiang , patrick & kok meng went to celebrate wiif her .
we went to marina to eat steamboat .
let e photo say everythin .

patrick , b'dae gal , kaixiang & kok meng (:

the gals <33

ii loves tiis pic taken wiif chiayee .

chiayee & xueli ((:

huili & xueli , LOVES.

kelly , huili & xueli

we did hab fun ya (:
& ii found out tat patrick stays e same block wiif PIG PIG !.
hohoho ~
so qiiao lahs .
wonder which level he stays . hmms .
ii've a touchin story to share .
kelly send miie e link to tis story in friendster message .
so decided to share wiif everyone too .
enjoy .
男孩和女孩初恋的时候﹐男孩为女孩折了一千只纸鹤﹐挂在女孩 的房间里。男孩对女孩说﹐这一千只纸鹤﹐代表我一千份心意。 那时候﹐男孩和女孩分分秒秒都在感受着恋爱的甜蜜和幸福。 后来女孩渐渐疏远了男孩。女孩结婚了﹐去了法国﹐去了无数次 出现在她梦中的巴黎。女孩和男孩分手的时候﹐对男孩说﹐我们都必 须正视现实﹐婚姻对女人来说是第二次投胎﹐我必须抓牢一切机会
你太穷﹐我难以想象我们结合在一起的日子……男孩在女孩去了法国 后﹐卖过报纸﹐干过临时工﹐做过小买卖﹐每一项工作他都努力去做 。许多年过去了﹐在朋友们的帮助和他自己的努力下﹐他终于有了自己的一家公司。他有钱了﹐可是他心里还是念念不忘女孩。
有一天下着雨﹐男孩从他的黑色奥迪车里看到一对老人在前面慢 慢地走。男孩认出那是女孩的父母﹐于是男孩决定跟着他们。他要让 他们看看自己不但拥有了小车﹐还拥有了别墅和公司,让他们知道他 不是穷光蛋﹐他是年轻的老板。男孩一路开慢车跟着他们。雨不停地 下着﹐尽管这对老人打着伞﹐但还是被斜雨淋湿了。到了目的地﹐男 孩呆了﹐这是一处公墓。他看到了女孩﹐墓碑的瓷像中女孩正对着他 甜甜地笑。而小小的墓旁﹐细细的铁丝上挂着一串串的纸鹤﹐在细雨 中显得如此生动。
女孩的父母告诉男孩﹐女孩没有去巴黎﹐女孩患的是癌症﹐女孩去了天堂。女孩希望男孩能出人头地﹐能有一个温暖的家﹐所以女孩 才做出这样的举动。她说她了解男孩﹐认为他一定会成功的。女孩说 如果有一天男孩到墓地看她﹐请无论如何带上几只纸鹤。男孩跪下去﹐ 跪在女孩的墓前﹐泪流满面。清明节的雨不知道停﹐把男孩淋了个透 。男孩想起了许多年前女孩纯真的笑脸﹐男孩看的心就开始一滴滴往 下淌血。
这对老人走出墓地的时候﹐看到男孩站在不远处﹐奥迪的车门已 经为老人打开。汽车音响里传出了哀怨的歌声﹐“我的心﹐不后悔﹐ 反反复复都是为了你﹐千纸鹤﹐千份情﹐在风里飞……”
extracted from:http://www.oicq88.com/love.htm
do forward it & share it wif ur fren .
JAMOS CHUA is so sweet , cans ?.
ii so so so love him .
hohoho ~
ii finally hab time to BLOG !.
hohoho ~
alrite , shall post fotos taken on 21.o4.o7 .
it was huili's b'dae .
miie , chiayee , wenjie kelly , kaixiang , patrick & kok meng went to celebrate wiif her .
we went to marina to eat steamboat .
let e photo say everythin .

patrick , b'dae gal , kaixiang & kok meng (:

the gals <33

ii loves tiis pic taken wiif chiayee .

chiayee & xueli ((:

huili & xueli , LOVES.

kelly , huili & xueli

we did hab fun ya (:
& ii found out tat patrick stays e same block wiif PIG PIG !.
hohoho ~
so qiiao lahs .
wonder which level he stays . hmms .
ii've a touchin story to share .
kelly send miie e link to tis story in friendster message .
so decided to share wiif everyone too .
enjoy .
男孩和女孩初恋的时候﹐男孩为女孩折了一千只纸鹤﹐挂在女孩 的房间里。男孩对女孩说﹐这一千只纸鹤﹐代表我一千份心意。 那时候﹐男孩和女孩分分秒秒都在感受着恋爱的甜蜜和幸福。 后来女孩渐渐疏远了男孩。女孩结婚了﹐去了法国﹐去了无数次 出现在她梦中的巴黎。女孩和男孩分手的时候﹐对男孩说﹐我们都必 须正视现实﹐婚姻对女人来说是第二次投胎﹐我必须抓牢一切机会
你太穷﹐我难以想象我们结合在一起的日子……男孩在女孩去了法国 后﹐卖过报纸﹐干过临时工﹐做过小买卖﹐每一项工作他都努力去做 。许多年过去了﹐在朋友们的帮助和他自己的努力下﹐他终于有了自己的一家公司。他有钱了﹐可是他心里还是念念不忘女孩。
有一天下着雨﹐男孩从他的黑色奥迪车里看到一对老人在前面慢 慢地走。男孩认出那是女孩的父母﹐于是男孩决定跟着他们。他要让 他们看看自己不但拥有了小车﹐还拥有了别墅和公司,让他们知道他 不是穷光蛋﹐他是年轻的老板。男孩一路开慢车跟着他们。雨不停地 下着﹐尽管这对老人打着伞﹐但还是被斜雨淋湿了。到了目的地﹐男 孩呆了﹐这是一处公墓。他看到了女孩﹐墓碑的瓷像中女孩正对着他 甜甜地笑。而小小的墓旁﹐细细的铁丝上挂着一串串的纸鹤﹐在细雨 中显得如此生动。
女孩的父母告诉男孩﹐女孩没有去巴黎﹐女孩患的是癌症﹐女孩去了天堂。女孩希望男孩能出人头地﹐能有一个温暖的家﹐所以女孩 才做出这样的举动。她说她了解男孩﹐认为他一定会成功的。女孩说 如果有一天男孩到墓地看她﹐请无论如何带上几只纸鹤。男孩跪下去﹐ 跪在女孩的墓前﹐泪流满面。清明节的雨不知道停﹐把男孩淋了个透 。男孩想起了许多年前女孩纯真的笑脸﹐男孩看的心就开始一滴滴往 下淌血。
这对老人走出墓地的时候﹐看到男孩站在不远处﹐奥迪的车门已 经为老人打开。汽车音响里传出了哀怨的歌声﹐“我的心﹐不后悔﹐ 反反复复都是为了你﹐千纸鹤﹐千份情﹐在风里飞……”
extracted from:http://www.oicq88.com/love.htm
do forward it & share it wif ur fren .
JAMOS CHUA is so sweet , cans ?.
ii so so so love him .
hohoho ~
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
nth gonna change my love forrs youus .
nth gonna change my love forrs youus .
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

JAMOS CHUA, this is youus. hohoho~

thiis is miie, im much more cutter than youu.
nt lyk youu, fatty fatty. haha (:
but nvm, ii still lyk fatty fatty . OOPS !.
sii feii zhu !.
youu owe miie a 100 times sorry hors .
& ii want it to be written !.
youu promised miie de, iif ii din c it .
heh heh , ii'll SKIN youu alive !
den eat youu upp . LOls .
& ii mean it . lalalas ~
p.s no more next time mke miie go crazy agns !.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
July 23 - August 22
Leo is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else. It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood, since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seems to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure!
It's the Lion which symbolizes Leos, and the king (or queen) of the jungle is a most appropriate mascot, since these folks consider themselves the rulers of their universe (and the Zodiac at that). Like Lions, Leos tend to be dignified and strong, and it is this sense of their power which allows them to get things done. A Leo on your team is a good thing, since Lions are eager to see their projects through to completion. Putting these folks at the helm is a good thing, too, since the Leo-born are natural leaders. They may ruffle a few feathers along the way, however, since they can also be overbearing and somewhat autocratic. This may be in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign -- Lions are indeed opinionated and set in their ways. That said, they are well organized, idealistic and have a knack for inspiring others.
Leo and Virgo
When Virgo and Leo join together in a love match, they may initially overlook common interests and feel they have nothing to gain from one another. This is a relationship that evolves over time, each partner gradually understanding and appreciating the other. Leo is extroverted, dominant, and charismatic, and often has a short fuse. Virgo is studious and withdrawn, possessed of more versatility than Leo. Although there are differences, they make a wonderful love match when each partner warms up to the other's unfamiliar style.
Early in the relationship, Leo and Virgo may see nothing but faults in one another. Leo may seem tyrannical, and Virgo may seem too judgmental. But when they stop looking solely at one another's flaws and begin to discover one another's positive attributes, they'll discover an attraction. Leo shows Virgo good times and fun, and introduces the spontaneity that is often missing in Virgo's life. Virgo teaches Leo patience and focuses their intellectual energy. Leo may feel Virgo is watching with too keen of an eye, but will inspire their partner to ease up. Virgo may consider Leo selfish and foreboding, but can teach them to be sensitive to others' needs.
Leo is ruled by The Sun and Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury. The Sun emanates light and heat and waits for others to gather around and accept the gifts of their presence. Virgo reaches out to others and works out all the details before committing to a determined goal. Both Signs need to take the time to see the value of the other's approach; Leo can teach Virgo to be less critical and more spontaneous while the Lion gains stability from Virgo's even keel.
youu alwaes dunos wad im thinkin bout, wadd ii wanted.
i only asked for such a simple ting frm, you oso can't do it.
jus like todae, im really v.disappointed wiif youus.
July 23 - August 22
Leo is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else. It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood, since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seems to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure!
It's the Lion which symbolizes Leos, and the king (or queen) of the jungle is a most appropriate mascot, since these folks consider themselves the rulers of their universe (and the Zodiac at that). Like Lions, Leos tend to be dignified and strong, and it is this sense of their power which allows them to get things done. A Leo on your team is a good thing, since Lions are eager to see their projects through to completion. Putting these folks at the helm is a good thing, too, since the Leo-born are natural leaders. They may ruffle a few feathers along the way, however, since they can also be overbearing and somewhat autocratic. This may be in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign -- Lions are indeed opinionated and set in their ways. That said, they are well organized, idealistic and have a knack for inspiring others.
Leo and Virgo
When Virgo and Leo join together in a love match, they may initially overlook common interests and feel they have nothing to gain from one another. This is a relationship that evolves over time, each partner gradually understanding and appreciating the other. Leo is extroverted, dominant, and charismatic, and often has a short fuse. Virgo is studious and withdrawn, possessed of more versatility than Leo. Although there are differences, they make a wonderful love match when each partner warms up to the other's unfamiliar style.
Early in the relationship, Leo and Virgo may see nothing but faults in one another. Leo may seem tyrannical, and Virgo may seem too judgmental. But when they stop looking solely at one another's flaws and begin to discover one another's positive attributes, they'll discover an attraction. Leo shows Virgo good times and fun, and introduces the spontaneity that is often missing in Virgo's life. Virgo teaches Leo patience and focuses their intellectual energy. Leo may feel Virgo is watching with too keen of an eye, but will inspire their partner to ease up. Virgo may consider Leo selfish and foreboding, but can teach them to be sensitive to others' needs.
Leo is ruled by The Sun and Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury. The Sun emanates light and heat and waits for others to gather around and accept the gifts of their presence. Virgo reaches out to others and works out all the details before committing to a determined goal. Both Signs need to take the time to see the value of the other's approach; Leo can teach Virgo to be less critical and more spontaneous while the Lion gains stability from Virgo's even keel.
youu alwaes dunos wad im thinkin bout, wadd ii wanted.
i only asked for such a simple ting frm, you oso can't do it.
jus like todae, im really v.disappointed wiif youus.
Friday, April 13, 2007
心跳的声音 像舞动奇迹
你看著我说 千万不要爱上你
你那麼冷静 忽远又忽近
原来为爱流的眼泪 也是种甜蜜滋味
只想爱你 当我和你走在一起就已经决定
是你让我了解自己 可以为爱那麼坚定
不管你做任何决定 究竟爱我还是逃避
BOY. this song really suits miie.
ask you dun play tis song ytd to let mi listen liao, still play.
idiot youu.
cans youu jus treat miie better?.
心跳的声音 像舞动奇迹
你看著我说 千万不要爱上你
你那麼冷静 忽远又忽近
原来为爱流的眼泪 也是种甜蜜滋味
只想爱你 当我和你走在一起就已经决定
是你让我了解自己 可以为爱那麼坚定
不管你做任何决定 究竟爱我还是逃避
BOY. this song really suits miie.
ask you dun play tis song ytd to let mi listen liao, still play.
idiot youu.
cans youu jus treat miie better?.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

woots. i finally find time to update my blog!.
FRIDAY .o4.o7
>>> >>>
fridae was a gd fridae.
susanna daughter called miie up to ask miie out.
she was outside wiif winnie already, so ii ask dem to go marina square.
den ii go find dem.
den in e end headed to town instead.
daughter & winnie was kinda of pissed off cus winnie bought a bag at marina.
at first, e lady told dem e bag was $12.9o.
but wen they wanted to pay alreadi, e lady told dem is $22.9o.
den bo bian already, cus e lady hab alreadi keyed in le.
so idiot leiis, tat lady.
shop at far east , saw alot of nice nice clothes.
but din buy any cus i wans save money.
>>> >>>
went k-boxin wiif my two darlinggs , see theng & catherine .
catherine told miie & see theng to mit 93o at je station .
but wen miie & see theng had reach , catherine was nowher to b seen .
see theng called her , but she din pick up e call .
den at 10am , she called .
to our surprised , she said she jus woke upp !.
oh my godness !. she slept till 10 ?.
miie & see theng was lyk zzz zzz .
we wake up at 8 , she slp 2 more hrs lors .
unfairrrrr !.
instead of wastin time waitin, miie & darling went to eat breadfast first .
aft finishin our breadfast , catherine call & sae she goins to reach le .
den we sae we goins bac to je station liiao .
wen we reached dere , still nv saw her .
den she called ask us r we in e train alreadi ?.
den we was lyk ' huh ?. '
actuallis cat told us to go in to e train , den she no nid come out .
den miie & see theng keep laughin & laughin .
so we've to mit her at marina instead .
we'r forever so blur lahs . aiiyoyo .
supposed we will b earli but end up late .
cus we want to registed for e k - lunch (11 - 2pm).
but we reached dere at ard 1120.
we had a free lunch & free drink each .
we decided to order one more drink so tat we cans extend till 3pm.
u noes sing till 2pm is nt ENOUGH !.
&wth, one drink cus us 7bucks. is so so CHEAP, rite?.
time passes so fast, we sang quite l0ts of songs.
but is still nt enough. hehs.
each of us spent ard 20 bucks at k-box!. omg.
we decided to go sing agns, probably next mth.
we went to shop at marina aft tat, cus ii nd to wait for to come & get my 50bucks.
pig is so shuaii, cans?. hehs.
we headed to bugis aft tat, had our dinner at long john silver. my fav!. yum yum(:
miie & see theng each bought a puma bag.
we love tat white ones, but too bad only left wif one.
& sad to say only tat shop sell tat desigh only.
so ii asked see theng to tke e white one & i tke e purple one instead .
at first ii din really lyk e purple one. but that guy keep askins to tke e purple one lahs.
keep sayin e purple one suits miie , blah blah blah de.
keep joke wiif us lahs . LOLS .
tat bag cost us 23 bucks. supposed to b 25 , but ii bargain wiif him !.

pretty bags (:
aft all those shoppins , we decided to head bac to jurong east to tke neoprints .
any way, ii loves e neoprint took wiif my 2 darlings.
ii really enjoy k-boxin wiif dem!.
aniways, ii bought e w850i fone.
all thks to mummy!.
ii LOVE mummy !. thanks.

neo prints wiif darlings.

ii love my pretty boy (:
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
ii dunos wad's wrong wif miie tis few daes .
ii feels tat iim tinkin too much .
mayb tings aren't as bad as wadd ii tink it was .
iim jus like tat , ii alwaes lyk to tink too much .
iim jus being paronoid & ii realliis dislikes myself for being tis way .
sighs .
ii jus feel tat e ppl ard miie seems to b changin .
or is it im e one hu has changed ?.
ii realised iim losing e confidence ii hab in myself as e time passes .
e troubles ii hab seems to b never ending .
to YOUU , ii really dunos wad to say le .
ytd , ii jus can't help myself but cried .
im still angriis wiif youu , but so wad ?.
lyk as if u will care ?.
sme times tinks bout my feelins first b4 sayins anithin cans ?.
u noes ii can't tke hurtfuls word been said to miie .
***sii feii zhu, youu own miie tat pig v.long le hors !.
cans ani bodis tell mie am ii tinkins too much ?.
ii feels tat iim tinkin too much .
mayb tings aren't as bad as wadd ii tink it was .
iim jus like tat , ii alwaes lyk to tink too much .
iim jus being paronoid & ii realliis dislikes myself for being tis way .
sighs .
ii jus feel tat e ppl ard miie seems to b changin .
or is it im e one hu has changed ?.
ii realised iim losing e confidence ii hab in myself as e time passes .
e troubles ii hab seems to b never ending .
to YOUU , ii really dunos wad to say le .
ytd , ii jus can't help myself but cried .
im still angriis wiif youu , but so wad ?.
lyk as if u will care ?.
sme times tinks bout my feelins first b4 sayins anithin cans ?.
u noes ii can't tke hurtfuls word been said to miie .
***sii feii zhu, youu own miie tat pig v.long le hors !.
cans ani bodis tell mie am ii tinkins too much ?.
Monday, April 02, 2007
iim really v.sad & disappointed wiif youu .
ii dun0s repeated tat qns hw many times to youu .
but u din replied miie .
ii tot u heard it already & yet u still can ask miie wad's e qns tat ii asked you ytd .
sighs *
mayb you jus dun wanna ans miie bahs .
iim oso feel disappointed wen ii saw e bottle left inside e plastic bag ,
like nobody cares .
imagine miie w/o youu (:

* tiis is e pigg tat ii wanted .
Sunday, April 01, 2007
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