shall post a lil boutt todae.
wake upp quite earliis todae , 1oplus. is it still consider earlis?
haas. i shld b wakins up at 9 plus instead cus iim meetins yuling & see theng .
butt as usual , iim LATE agns !.
e bad habit of mine.
mit dem to go KING's ice-cream factory to buy ice cream.
they'r havin promotion lahs. sellin e ice-creams cheap.
e weather was so so so damns HOT todae larhs.
ii was lyk keep sweatin & ii hate e feelins of sweatin.
den in e evenin or so, went to catch a movie 'e music& lyrics' wiif mummy & br0ther.

it's been awhile since ii last watched movie wiif dem lahs.
so decided to catch a movie wiif dem.
overall, all ii cans sae is e moviie is nt bad lahs. quite funny.
oh ya. my leg nw pain loads, cus im havin blister.

see?. shi tong de lors.
alrite. shall end e dae wiif sme zii liians fotos.

takkaiire everyone ~
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