iim gonnas rot le lahs.
was at hme e whole dae todae.
& wadd most of e time ii spend todae was wiif e com lahs.
online - ingg & msn - ingg.
ii gt irritated wen ppl t0k to miie & sae : " hellos , nv go out ars?. " OR even " so guaii nv go out mehs? haha"
wads wrong wiif miie stayin at hme & nt goins out?.
ii knows it's a saturday & tat doesn't mean ii've to go out lahs.
nobody DATE miie wad?. arghhh!.
got kinda of pissed off lahs. haiis.
ii jus gotta a guy called " lincoln "
he's a nice guy & he looked lyk e campus superstar , ADRIANO !.
iim nt e only hu said tat, his fren oso lyk tat sae.
aniwaes, ii uploaded 10 songs into tis blog.
do enjoy e songs. gonnas end here le.
kinda of moody nw.
dunos hw many many daes nv saw pigg le!!.
sadd lors.
sorrys dearie shengli , can't go celebrate ur b'dae wiif u tml.
hope u enjoy urself ya.

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