shall updates tiis post a bit b0utt ytd bahs . =))
well, ytd went t0 watch movie in e evening wiif my family . we watched e ROB-B-HOOD . actors was jackie chan & gu tian le . gu tian le so shuaii leiis. it's was a comedy actualli . ii laugh throughout alm0st e whole show . at tatt point of tlme , ii 4get b0utt all e bad memoriies . butt iit was jus ferr awhile . butt aft tatt , ii tink b0utt all th0se tings agns . haiis . ii keep askin myself , hab ii realli 4gotten all b0utt him ?. ii reali dun0s , h0nestly ii misses all his msg tatt he used t0 send miie . e tlmes he used t0 care fer miie . butt , wen ii tlnk b0utt all e tings tatt he've d0ne , my mind is confused agns & ii feel sadd too !. haiis . my hand feels itch agns , cans ?. ii feel lyk callin him . butt ii can't do tatt as ii pr0mised all 0f u t0 4get him de . PEOPLE , slap miie bahs . iim still nort awake !. ii cans even imagined tatt there'r a devil & a angel lors . e angel is tellin miie : XUELi , wake up bahs . st0p thlnkin b0utt him le . it's nort worth it . u've d0nes s0 much tings for him . but did he appreciate it ?. andd e devil is tellin miiie : he's nort bad de actuallii , he'll sure change . gif him tlme bahs !. arghh , iim v.confused cans ?!. ii keep findin tings to do , jus to 4get everting . haiis . well , jus lyk wadd susanna nu er says . lyk some1 is easy , butt to 4get some1 is damns hard . all ii nds is tlme bahs ?. butt sorrys to says , ii still believe 1 dae he'll change ?. aiiyas , ii dun0s larhs .
TODays !.
t0dae ii nd nort go sko0l cus n0 m0re n lvls paper le . spend m0st of my tlme playin com . edit blogs , ii change my blogs songs too . take off e sad songs & its oso his fav songs . tml n0 sko0ls too . YAY !. shall end here le . takkaiire everione ~
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