Tuesday, October 31, 2006
s0metimes its hard t0 understand a person , n0 matter hw hard eu tried , eu will still never manage t0 understandd .
Monday, October 30, 2006
by: twins
lazii XUELI iis bac t0 bloggin agns !. Lols . so fast a brand new wks agns . haha .
a quick updates on last wk .
* off to chalets
* went hme frm chalets
* outt wiif my family
realiis a v.sh0rt updates . jus t0k abit b0utt e chalets bahs , we headed t0 chalets on e 2nd nite which is thurs . e chalet is at aloha ( pasir ris ) & omg , it was a long way to reach dere . wen we reached dere , we f0und outt tatt dere's actuallii a free shuttle bus t0 bring us dere . Lols , it was too late den cus we alreadiis reach le .
we reached & settled down & ii found out tatt starhub line user has n0 receptions . wth niias . den ard evenin we've bbq , den watched princess hours while eatin . den we found outt tatt we'r still nt full yet , den we called peck hoon asked her to buy instant noodles . she cooked ferr us smemore , she indeed looks lyk our mummys !. 0ops ! . peck hoon thanks aniwae . den aft dinner , ii went to bath . den wait fer shengli & kailing t0 bath too , den we went outt t0 walk walk . den came bac , it's alreadiis mid nite le butt we'r still nt tired yet . den we watched taiwan dramas . it was a nice drama , butt too bad we din watched finishedd . den ii tink ard 4 am , miie & shengli went to orh orh le cus buay tahan le . den e next morns wake up , it was time to go hme le . we went to eat mac den headed hme , everione's tired le cus last nite din slp well !. afterall , ii cans sae e chalets is FUN !. ii h0pe dere'll b one more chalets ya , we had a great time dere . chalet rawkkss ~
went bac to sko0l earliis in e morns at 8 am to take o lvls chinese , can't wake up in e morns cus din slp well last nite . havin a bad flu & keep sneeze sneeze sneeze !. poor miie , while doin e exams ii alm0st fall aslp !. shengli realiis t0t ii fall aslp niias . aft e exams ard 12 le , miie wiif xiao qing & frens went t0 jp go eat long john . miie goin to sick le still eat long john , LOls . den walk walk awhile jiu headed ferr hme . went bac hme , eat medi den jiu go slp . ii HATES flus !. alriites , shall end here . cus ii feel sleepy aft eatin medi . nites everiones ~
ii dun0s wadd makes eu feel tatt ways , ii realiis dunch understand eu at times . perhaps ii shld keep silent & dunch sae anithin bahs .
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
weets !. tml goin chalet wors . so happiis , lalalas ~
so won't b online tml , & may repliis testiis late too .
well , shall p0st a sh0rt post t0dae !. t0dae went 0utt wiif ba0beiis catherine & see theng agns . we went t0 lo0k ferr j0bs agns , e previ0us j0bs we nv d0 liia0s . we sacked e manager b4 he sacked us !. Lols . aiiyos , find so mani j0bs , endd up at swensens agns !. iim bac t0 w0rkin as a waitress agns , sighss * shld ii w0rk dere marhs ?. dun0s siias , confusedd ** butt ii tink it shld b betas den pizza hut bahs . havin trainin on 1st NOV , gd luck t0 miie bahs . YEAHS , w0rkin wiif catherine & see theng . FUN , FUN , FUN !.
shall update till here !. will update moree after chalets bahs . takkaiire everione !.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
went outt e wh0le dae ytd wiif ba0beiis catherine & see theng . we mit at jp den went t0 s'p0re sh0ppin ctr ferr a j0bs interview . we've a appointments wif e person at 145 pm butt we reached e place late cus we couldn't find e place . by e time we reached dere is ard 2 plus le . & we waited fer b0utt 1hr outside e office , cus we wanted t0 went in le , but den gt a guy st0pped us & asked us t0 wait 0utside first cus inside gt al0ts 0f ppl marhs . den in e endd , we damns du lan le cus we waited v.l0ng le . den we decided t0 went t0 e 0ffice , den we asked e person dere wher's cherry ?. (e gal we've a appointment wiif) den we f0und outt tatt she's nt in e office le . WTH !. we damns pissed off lors . we were like a fool waiting outside ferr so long . den ii called cherry & t0ld her b0utt e situation , den ii tink she called e guy hu asked us t0 wait outside de bahs . den 5 mins lata , e guy called miie & he asked us t0 g0 plaza sing & he'll interviewed us . our feelin tatt time was '' #@$%&%#&%$$!!! '' so bo bian we went t0 plaza sing lors . den he interviewed us all tat , tell us b0utt e j0bs . ii shan't sae much b0utt e j0bs . den he asked us wen cans we start w0rk . den see theng repliis him `` now `` , den he misunderstood . he t0t we sae NOW !. tatt means cans ma shan start nw !. LOLS . den we start wk immd , its tiring man !.
but we'r jus try out , we h0pe we cans get used t0 e j0bs . w0rkin tml agns !. hahas . it's fun outt wiif see theng & catherine !. shall p0st till here bahs .
Thursday, October 19, 2006
well , t0dae's lessons ends at 130 . aft sko0l went t0 coffee united wif chien juen & frens . peck hoon cum join us aft tatt . she bring pizzas tat she made durin her f&n lessons , niice niice * . hees . den sit dere chat chat awhile till 3 plus den we jiu went hme . o0ps !. promised susanna nu er t0 c0r her 2nite , ii 4gotten agns . aiiy0s . so 4getful of miie .
it's been awhile , e matter perhaps hab toned down le bahs . congrats miie , ii alreadi 4gotten all boutt it le . im n0 l0nger tatt sad animore , alth0ugh some times ii'll still rmb some of e tings . butt ii can't possibly 4get everiting oso de . butt ii n0 l0nger feels tatt hurt animoree . there were times ii feels so empty , like something is missin somehow . e feeling is jus so weird . butt nvm , iim nort lonely . ii still hab frens ard encouragin miie , b dere ferr miie . aft tis matter , ii jus feel tatt ii trust e wrong person , ii shldn't hab tell her everiting . perhaps all along , she was helpin her frens nort miie . ii dun0s is ii tink too much or not , is lyk to mie she's those kind of wen she nds help or wad den cum find miie , dunch nd miie den hack care miie . ii hate tis kinda of person lors . dun0s larhs , ii oso dunch wish to tink too much .
recently watchin princess hours , jus loves e show damns muchh .

Sunday, October 15, 2006
( a mixture 0f mood im havin nw )
Thursday, October 12, 2006
din updates ytd , cus klnda of lazii !.
yesterday , nth much too . jus went to mit jiie in e after noon . peii her go library to borrowed bks . den we chat chat wiif each other , e tings chat reminds miie b0utt all his tings agns . sighs ** haiis !. den ytd , din go to sko0l . th0se in our klas hu turned up ferr sko0l , is lyk less than half lors . den tat mr phor sae wadd , th0se din attend sko0l hab t0 see him on fridae . wah liiaos , siians lors . c him ferr wadd siia , he v.free is it ?.
t0dayss ..
sighs !. havln sleepless nites recently . can't fall aslp norhs . my mind is all b0utt his tings agns . wen cans ii 4get everiting ??. even iif ii fall aslp le , ii'll b awaken by night mares !. why , why , why !. ii hate u ferr causin my life so miserable larhs .
ii still habs l0tsa tings in my mind left unanswered by u !.
^ y mush u lied t0 miie in e first place ?. whyy .
^ y u b'cum lyk tiis ?. r u really happis wiif ur life nw ?.
^ u reallys wanna carry on ur life lyk tis forever marhs ?.
^ y dunch u change fer e sake of urself ?. u aren't lyk tis de . jus change bahs !.
ii n0es u'r in e camp nw , eu won't b readin my post nw . perhaps wen u r bac durin wkends , mayb u'll read my post bahs . mayb nort . ii n0es even iif u read le , u oso won't bother de . ii jus wannas write to make myself feels betas .
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
happii swiit sixteen's b'daes t0 CHIEN JUEN !. h0pe u enj0y ur BIG days , LOLs .
t0days din went t0 sko0l , stayed at hme agns . goin to rot soon . sighss '' tml supp0sed t0 g0 bac sko0l de . tink iim nort goin too , jenn dey all nort goins . as usual , our klas sure a l0ts of ppl nort goin de . somemore , go bacs sko0l ferr wadd ?. nth to studii le oso marhs . go bacs oso siians . ii wanns t0 flnd jobs , ii wanna w0rk !. ii wanna earn moneys . dunch wans get money frm parents . anibodis gt ani jobs l0bang , pls tell miie . kkaes . thanks .
my mind is still damns confused , hen fans . xin hen tong . tings b0utt him is still in my mind , wen cans ii 4get everting ?. hw ii wish ii nv knew him b4 , y mush u appeared in my liife ?. mke my life so miserable . ii realiis dun0s shld ii hate u or wadd lors !. haiis . so irritated & pissed off by all his tings !. & my fuckin father too . everidae c his face oso siians larhs !.
ii misses my besties jiia huii . tink she busyin wiif her o lvls bahs , few wks nv mit up wiif her le . tink shall cor her tml bahs . & li ying , poor her . somebodiis send a frlendster msg & scolded her till damns jia let . is lyk she dunch even n0es her lors . gal ; dunch care b0utt tat gal bahs . n0 point botherin her . takkaiire =))
REPLIS of tags !.
10 Oct 06, 17:29
/*huili: hieex.. don think abt him le.. u can do it derhx.. jiayouss
xueli*: giif miie tlme bahs , all ii nds is time . iim sure time cans heal all my pains de . take cares !.
10 Oct 06, 18:16
qiing: ok tis one nicer than tat pink and black de haha but.... but.. but... mine is still nicer than urs.. bleah wahaahaa
10 Oct 06, 18:17
qiing: below can put more thing ? v blank leh
10 Oct 06, 18:17
qiing: and post dun use bright yellow.. my eyes v pain =] gd comments given hor. thks wo ah.
xueli* : wahh , xiao qing . u hab l0ads of comments leiis . yarhhs , ii shld thank u for tatt !. LOls . i still feel tatt mine is nicer den urs . lalala ~ i change e colours of e fonts le , is ur eyes still pain ?. haha .
10 Oct 06, 19:48hontat: haha...pinch lor...la la la~
xueli* : hon tat , u sae de hors . lata ii realis punch hors . dunch regrets * hahas. btw , e promotor tat jobs , u nt workin le marhs ?
10 Oct 06, 21:57someone: stop thinking abt him le.. he wont change for the sake of u... he just wont....
xueli* : someone?. is it shu ting marhs ?. nvm , ii n0es he won't change for my sake . perhaps for himself bahs .
everiibodiis do take gd cares of urself , e weather is nort v.gd . my brother is sick , h0pe he get well soon . nites all !.
Monday, October 09, 2006
well , jus lyk wadd susanna nu er says . lyk some1 is easy , butt to 4get some1 is damns hard . all ii nds is tlme bahs ?. butt sorrys to says , ii still believe 1 dae he'll change ?. aiiyas , ii dun0s larhs .
TODays !.
t0dae ii nd nort go sko0l cus n0 m0re n lvls paper le . spend m0st of my tlme playin com . edit blogs , ii change my blogs songs too . take off e sad songs & its oso his fav songs . tml n0 sko0ls too . YAY !. shall end here le . takkaiire everione ~
Saturday, October 07, 2006
ii alreadi mke myself v.clear. u gt anithin wans sae jus cor & sae. and wad u sae ytd was onlii NVM , NVM & NVM!. ands sae wadd nvm , ii dunch wans argue wiif u. pls larhs hors. is u quarrelled wif mi first de , ok!. WTF. then in e first place dun come & scold mii fer nth ok. since u sae i gt write in my blog sayin tatt ii bui song u or wad is it rites?. den ii shall fufil it. ii shall write. he's a basturd, goin ard cheatin innocent gals. he tinks he's great?. oh pls!. he's a flirt. u lyk t0 play , riite?. den go find bitches larhs. onliis bitches suits u. st0p flndin innocent gals & hurt dem. nvm, 1 dae u'll get ur retribution de. and pls st0p ur lies. ii n0es all e truth liiao, u tink u r great?. i ask u , u gt stead wif tat hu anot. u sae dun hab, is she treat u lyk her bf, but u din treat her gf?. & u scold mii 4 askin all tis. & wanted t0 n0es her, u c0r & scolded miie too. y?. u afraid i go mkes frens wiid her & n0es tat u'r lyin is it?. andd tat elaine, ii add her in frlendster os0 can't marhs?. dunch ii hab e rights t0 make frens?. y u care so muchh. nvm. u'll get ur retributions de. iim waiting, waiting 4 e dae wher u'r all al0ne. wher n0b0dys care 4 u. ii wans t0 c e pathetic u!.
*TO jiie : sorrys elaine jiie, din peii u go outt eat dinner todae. mom dunch all0ws, h0pe tat u f0und some1 t0 accs u bahs. wen u free, u msg miie bahs. we mit up, alriites?. u take cares of urself arrs.
repliis of TAGS!. sorrys din hab time to repliis tags at all.
29 Sep 06, 15:20
qiing: dun wei le yi ge ren & spoilt ur life. live happier lah.. haha u still gt lots of fren concern for u de.. forget bout tat blar blar bah
xueli*: qing ; dunch worii, ii'll 4get all b0utt it de. ii'll live hapily de. ii n0es u care ya. thanks ferr being dere ferr miie. thanks.
4 Oct 06, 00:26
a gal hu cares too*: guess u r the one hu wanna ask mi qn b4 right.. i'm here to tell u something gal.. u r onli 16 yrs old... way long b4 u to go.. for wad thinking abt wil.. he dun worth it i can tell u.. i noe him for yrs le.. yet i still dun understand him at all... he just wanna play w u onli.. having someone to acc when he need 1.. u realise tt much faster than mi.. u r not stupid kayz... he dun deserve anythin. from u.. so dun bother to care abt him.. live ur own life.. u r a nice ger.. get on w ur life n be w ur frenz.. tts wad u need to do.. n stdy hard for ur n lvl... n 1 last thing.. after wad u feel for him.. n after wad he had done for u (i guess none..).. just throw him behind u... coz there r no room for frenship or wadever.. its onli a short sad memories... jiayou... n be a happy ger again~~...
xueli* -> e gal hu cares too* : ii n0es hu u le. shu ting marhs. wow, a l0ng tags u gave miie. dunch worrys, ii've straightened out le. ii'll 4get everiting & continues wiif my life de. ii'll b happis agns. thanks fer consolin miie tat dae. take cares.
4 Oct 06, 23:04
a person hu cares;: though u might be sad now, however as time goes by, u'll knw this is the correct choice. to get over him and carry on wif ur live. u still have alot to go since u're 16yrs old. trust me. he's jerk. (=
work hard for ur N*level.. nt for others but truly for urself. nothing worths more than education. (=
xueli* -> e person hu cares : ya. ii n0es. ii'll carry on wiif my own life de. thanks ferr all e consoling.
5 Oct 06, 20:20susanna: cheer up!! dun bcox of tat person spoilt euurx own mood...liveLIFEtoEfullest..b happiex..study hardd ferr euurx n lvl okiiex?? jia yous worx!!! =)
xueli* -> susanna nu er : yesh. marmiie will cheer up de. sorrys din updates u on wadd happens. gt time den update u bahs.
REPLIIS of tags d0ne!.
ii change my friendster profile songs. free do visit. so long din updates blog le. hab l0tsa tings to sae. sorrys ferr e l0ng posts. alrites, shall end here le. it's late.
* i'll try to 4get all e unhappiness de. live life t0 e fullest. takkaiire everii0ne!.
nltes all.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
sorii have nt been updatlng ferr daes. been busii wiif n lvls. exams & exams & EXAMS!. goin crazii , cans?.
*English paper 1 &2
*combined humanities
*Maths paper 1
*combined science
Sunday, October 01, 2006

wen u were out havin FUN ,d0 u n0es tatt iim actualli cryin all alones??. eu never kn0w it.