wah. lazii miie. so longg den cum updates my bl0g. lalala ~ wanted t0 updates my bl0g few daes ago le. butt iim slck, d0wn wiif fever e past few daes. den ok liiaos, fever is g0ne. BUTT!!. e stupld c0ugh arrlved. pathetlc miie. ii t0t it was onlii a slight c0ugh, but din n0es it b'cum worse & worse. ii c0ugh till wanna v0mit & ii've sleepless nite b'cus of e c0ugh. cus ii keep c0ughln & c0ughln, den chest v.pain. can't even fall slp. den mom t0dae cor miie ask mie wans go c doctor anot , ii agreed cus ii reali buay tahan le!. so aft sko0l went t0 mit my mom , den straightawaes go visit e doctor. thanks mom!. <3>nw , ii wanns p0st b0utt sundae. sundae went outt wiif chien juen & xiao qing to plaza sing. den mit eunice , yc & ch at dere. flrst tlme go out sh0p wiif dem, ii tlnk?. hahas. we went dere cus xiao qing wanna buy teachers dae presents. den peii her sh0p e wh0le plaza slng den finalli f0und 1 sh0p sellin wadd she's lookin ferr. den v.funni, she c0uldn't mke up her decisions whether to buy or nt. aft sme th0ughts , she finalli b0ught it. den we went bac to jp sh0p awhile cus chien juen wanna sh0p awhile. den we went in to a sh0p, xiao qing saw e presents tat she b0ught almost e same , is jus tat its much more nicer?. haha. xiao qing, heart pain , riites?. and regreted too?. haas. nvm larhs. alreadi buy le. alrites, ends here le. nites all!.ii misses jiahuii besties, huizhi buds & liyingg !!.
oh well, im bac here agn. so long since ii last updatees. cus i was tinkin of aft finishin my art den updates. oh yesh!. ii finalli finished my art coursewk & handed in to MOE le. FINALLI!. n0 m0re art for miie le. im so happi cans, i lookin foward to tis dae v.long le. butt ii oso duno if i cans passed anot. n0 confidence* hais. although finished le, but still misses e time spent in e art rm, e times spent wif frens till v.late in sko0l. its fun actualli, but feel stress at times. i wanna thanks all th0se hu hab helpin in my art, enc0uragin miie thr0ugh tis difficult & stressful j0urney. and th0se hu've been dere for miie wen ii needed s0meones. especially catherine. reali thanks l0ads!. hmms, chien juen as well, for helpin miie too and being dere fer miie wen ii needed some1 to t0k to.thr0ugh tis art j0urney, ii hab realised alot of tings. i've see thr0ugh ppl's true colours. i realised tat some people r reali damns selfish!. dey onli care b0ut themselves. and some pe0ple tink tat their art wk is damns gd, & sayin ppl's art is damns bad or wad. i hate tis kinda of ppl. nth is perfect in tis world!. dey hav n0 rite to sae b0utt too. alriite, ii end here le. im tired, goin lalala land soon~takkaiire everyone!.
yeah , iim bac here agn. its been a week since ii last updated. oh god, ii've been so stress over my art c0ursewk lors. stayin bac in sko0l alm0st e wh0le wk till b0utt 9 plus to 10!. damned siians lors. h0nestly , ii regret takin art larhs. ii've t0 sacrifices so much of my time doin it. ii feel lyk givin up nw larhs, cus ii've art, ii've neglects my other subjects. haiis. 4get it, nw regrets oso n0 use le. ii'll at least try to finished it bahs. well, t0k b0utt t0dae. ii went t0 cut my fringe todae wiif besties jiia huii. haas, ii l0ve e times spend wiif my besties!. LOLs. she oso cut her fringe, she look nice wiif tatt kinda fringe. haas. alrite, t0k b0utt tatt blur s0t0ng bahs. s0meh0wly, ii've alreadi 4g0tten b0utt him le. so all my dear frens, dunch worii le. ii've alreadi 4g0tten b0utt him le. ii w0n't tink b0utt him anim0re le. butt ii'll nv 4get hw he've hurts miie de. actualli ii reali bu gan xin lors. hate him loads!. ii h0pe he's readin tiis siia. oh ya, he still dare cum view my friendster pr0file. oh my goodness!. he's a hum ji kiia, a jerk, a basturd!. phew, h0pe ii won't get t0 knw an0ther person hu's same lyk him oso bahs. may god bless!. shall p0st till here ferr t0dae. tml hab t0 d0 art agn!. siiansssss... nites all.
my fringe so short !.