iim bac t0 bl0ggin agn. tiis few daes, ii dun0 wadd iim tryin to do & ii dun0 wadd iim tinkin too. ii l0st h0pe in doin everting!. iim v.disappointed in myself, ii disappointed al0t 0f ppl too. haiis. all ii cans sae is sorii t0 all th0se ppl tatt ii've disappointed. ii feel hurts. iim deeply hurt by blur sotong, ii hate him alot nw!. tiis is e 2nd time he hurt miie. ii won't believe him animore, he's a JERK!. he's a c0ward too. ii nv expected tatt he's tiis kinda of person, iim v.disappointed in myself fer likin such a person, ii onli cans sae tatt im stupid. ii treat him so nice, in e end wadd ii get?. all ii get is being hurt & mke myself sadd. al0t 0f tings b0utt him keep flashin thr0ugh my mind, hw he treated miie. ii still rmb he mit miie ferr breakfast butt he din turned upp & ii was lyk a fool waiting ferr him. al0t 0f ppl asked miie t0 gif up on him long tlme ag0 , butt ii din listen to dem. iim v.stubborn. ii mke all my frens worried ferr miie. sorii everibodii, t0 let eu all w0rry. dunch worii, ii'll 4get him de!. haiis. butt its v.difficult ferr miie. s0bs. whyes am ii gettin hurt all e times?. wen can ii b happi & st0p gettin hurt. iim realli v.tired of everiting le. whyes am ii havin so mani problems?. wen can it stop?. s0me 0f eu dunch understand hw ii feel. ii n0e e submition date ferr art is gettin nearer. ii oso wish to faster finish it, butt ii jus cant concentrate in completing it. ii realli feel lyk givin up le. iim reali v.disappointed in myself. I HATE BLUR SOTONG!. I HATE TAY JUN RONG!.TAY JUN RONG, ii h0pe eu'r readin tiis. LISTEN UP!. ii hate eu l0ads!. w/o eu, ii w0n't die. ii will still live v.happily.
hmms . todae sko0l celebrate e racial harmony dae , den ii wore e malay costumes . and ii feel so paii sehs wen ii board e bus , cus other sko0l celebrate it on fridae . aiiyos , den everibodii giif miie tat kinda of stupid looks . wah liiaos .
tiis is e out fit ii w0re *

do ii look weird in e outfit ?. haas . well , ii tink t0dae was a fun dae arhs . aniwae , thanks AQIDAH fer lendin miie e costumes .
well , aft sko0l went to art rm wiif e gals to get our stuff hme . after tat , went off wiif cat & pei shan . den e 2 of dem sae dey hungry , den we go makan at CU . we were t0kin b0utt tat TEO CHIA LI while eatin . andd ii was so shocked cus she was sittin in front in front & in front of miie !. ii feel lyk wen ii saw her , she was so disgustin lors . andd she turn & saw miie , den she quickly turned her sittin positions den tio miie somem0re . knn , idiot lors . tink her eyes v.nice is it ?. feel lyk slappin her . YUCKS !. she so BHB lors , is lyk todae some of e gals takin fotos marhs , den dey nv ask her take wiif dem , den she extra join in . wah liiaos , and somemore take foto still act cute lors !. shall end here , continue updates tml .. cus iim TIRED !.
shall update boutt ytd . as usual ytd went bac to skool in e mornin to do art . iim so tired & stress wiif art tings , siians lors . reach sko0l at boutt 11 plus , b4 tat ii chat of e fone wiif xiiaoqing shifu . chat boutt some stuff , some of e tings she sae , till nw iim still thinkin iit . ii tink ii shld realli start to work hard intead of slackin liiaos . ii realli shld buck up !. iim tellin myeself to wake up , is it too late nw ?. nvm , iim goin to work hard nw .after doin art stuff , reach hme boutt 6pm . den mit huili at 730 , ii waited ferr her quite long . aiiyos , tiis gurl ars , evertime late de lehs . she still sae wans mit at 715 , luckily i nv agreed . hahas . den we went jp shop shop den go buy bubble tea , den went bac to our hse downstairs chat chat till 10 plus , den mye mom cor miie ask miie go hme . actuali , ii still dun wans go hme de . cus we still gt alot of tings to sae , butt ii mush b guaii , listen to mama , so i go hme . LOLS !. den cor blurSOTONG , den chat chat wiif him awhile , cus he mitin his mum & sis . so cant chat too long . aiyos , ytd supposed to wait him up de , butt im to tired liaos . den nv wake up . den todae i 4get to wake him up agn , hais . duno iif he gt wake up on time anot . so sorii wors .
fiirstly , wanna sae ' HAPPI BELATED B'DAE TO BESTIES JIAHUI ' . ytd wass her b'dae , sorii ferr e late wiishes . t0dae , hab mye ENG oral , ii tink iim gonna fail ?. mye miind was t0tally blank b4 e oral . iim worried b0utt hiim , t0dae iis e third dae ii c0uldn't fiind him le . haiis , realli dun0 wadd t0 d0 larhs . ii n0e eu all will scold miie stupid !. butt eu all won't understand hw ii feel de larhs . ii oso feel tired searchin fer him lors . ii wanna giff up , butt its nt easiii . haiis .
been so busii recently , andd so lazii t0 bl0g . jus came bac hme n0rt l0ng , have mye ' o ' level chinese oral todae . ii was so nervous b4 e oral , cus tiis oral is n0rt lyk e normal oral tat ii usually take in sko0l . ii've to face 2 teachers frm another sko0l de . e 2 teachers testiin miie was a lady & a guy !. LOLS , e passage readin was still alrite , onlii gort 2 words duno hw to read(still dare to sae). butt wen cum to e c0nversation , its was so funni lors . e guy teacher was e one t0kin , andd n0e wadd ?. he t0k damned s0ft , canns . den ii gort n0 choice den ii sae : '' iim sorii , cann eu speak l0uder?.'' den he repeat wadd he sae . aiiyo , he's a man andd he speaks lyk a woman lors . ii tlnk wen im readin e passage , mye voice iis l0uder than him lors . laughs ** overall , ii tlnk e oral iis fiine ?. haas . ii was so happii b4 e oral siia . cus ii msg blur sotong tellin him tat ii v.nervous , dunch feel lyk takiin e oral niia . den ii t0t he w0n't replii mii , butt he did replii miie !. he asked miie t0 '' relax . take deep breath . you can do it . wahh , ha0 gan d0ng lehs !. xD~ thanks wors !. he n0e iim takin oral t0dae , ii t0ld him ytd . and he even ha0 lian t0 miie tat he g0rt A1 fer his ' o ' level chinese lors . idiot him !. but , aniiwaes , thanks blur SOTONG !. shall p0st till here ferr t0dae .
hmms. was asked t0 updated by xinyi, so ii shall p0st b0utt t0dae. t0dae we've art lessons, andd a gr0up 0f us was asked t0 g0 c e prlnclpal by e art teacher. and so we went, e principal asked us t0 tell her wen we can hand in our 5 multi-b0ard. miie , shengli & peiyu t0ld her by m0ndae. can we finished iit by mondae?. ii dun tink so, hais. diie le larhs!. so stressed cann. i oso h0pe t0 faster finish my art wk lors, but is jus tat i dun0 wadd t0 draw fer my flnal w0rk larhs. GOD!. HELP MII!!.