Sunday, June 26, 2011

A man who truly loves you will NEVER let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.

I'm back again. My blog is dead for so long... Always unable to fork out time to update.. I'm Not doing good.. So many things bothering me, Especially money issue.

Sometimes i wondered, why am i working so hard for? At the end of the day, what did i get? - Nothing! Earning money is not easy, at the end of the day the money i earn is always spend on other things(Transportation, Food, Bills). I left nothing for myself~ FML.

I need a getaway soon. sick & tired with my life now. can't wait for genting trip on 4th july with bf & my babes!

That's about it~ Till then!

Sometimes i wonder for all the things i've done, do you really appreciate it?Do you really feel my love? Why do i always feel that my effort is always down to the drain??