Hello readers! I wonder if there are still any readers still reading this little space of mine?
I guess i can only blog once in a blue moon in the future, cause it's really very difficult for me to dig out time to blog an entry here as i'm always not home.
Finally, i've completed my two years of studies in ITE. Yes, Finally!! I'm feeling happy and upset at the same time. Happy - because, i'm proud of myself that i can endure and managed to complete my two years of studies even though i DON'T like electronics at all.
Yes, to be frank, i totally don't like/suit this course at ALL. And i've no idea why the hell i will make this decision to study in electronics. But still, i manage to pull it through. I should give a clap for myself. Unhappy - because, time flies really fast. And i'm missing those cliques i always hang around with during my two years there. Especially YPH and JJ, they never failed to bring laughter to everybody. I wonder when will i get to see them again? (Big Sighs!)
Well, i should look on the happier side that i've learn many new things in ITE, met great friends.
And the most most most most most important thing is, I MET MY LOVE IN ITE!
Yes, i knew my boyfriend(though not in the same school) in ITE.
This is gonna be the last time i'm saying this, i knew my boyfriend in ITE. Because some busybody who don't know anything about this, going around saying/assuming that " I knew my boyfriend through the net. "
Alright, back to the topic. this few days hasn't been going smoothly for me. Feeling stress with personal stuff and fretting over what should i do since i've already graduated?
Suddenly feel that i've lost my goal and targets in life that i wanna achieve. there were a few times i actually cried because i am really not happy with my life now. Sighs.
Can anybody give me advice on what i should do?