Monday, May 29, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
in my post t0dae , ii wann t0k b0utt wadd happened ytd . ytd , we've free period during our PE lesson . miie & sl gt nth t0 d0 , we jiu b0rr0wed mp3 frm xia0qing . we haven even finished listenin to a s0ng , our vlce principal , mr ph0r walked past 0ur klas . we din n0ticed him standin 0utside until 0ur fren called us . we qulckly hlde e mp3 under 0ur table . butt ii tlnk its to0 late , tlnk he saw it le bahs . we c0ntinued t0 listen t0 it & we din expected tat he'll walk bac agaiin , and tiis tlme he came in & asked us t0 gif him e mp3 . wadd e hell , we'r dead !. he sae e sentence : gif miie e mp3 three tlmes b4 we hand 0ver e mp3 t0 him . we were v.scared at tat tlme cus e mp3 is n0rt 0urs , is xia0 qing's . luckily , xia0 qlng nv angrii . we went t0 look fer him after sko0l , and we knew tat he wont gif us bac e mp3 so easily . at first he ask us t0 glf him a v.gd reason whye mush he gif us bac e mp3 . den we replied him : cus we n0e we r in e wr0ng s0 we came t0 apologised . den he sae : r u sure e 2 0f eu came t0 apologised ? apologised oso n0rt sincere at all . eu all came here jus t0 get bac e mp3 onli , rite ?. e tw0 0f us were lyk .... !. den he asked us t0 tink 0f e punishment . at first shengli sae c0py skool rules den mr ph0r sae : eu all c0pi skool rules oso coopi blindly . wahh , he reali g0rt al0t 0f tings t0 sae siia . den he sae he wann us wrlte a reflection aiya , duno hw t0 spell on wadd has happened . and mushh b in 200 w0rds !. wah la0s , idiot !.
den t0dae miie & shengli went t0 flnd hiim , luckily he gave us bac e mp3 . phew !* ii wann thanks kailing fer helpin miie wrlte e reflecti0n . thanks alot , gal !.
alriite , actualli i'm n0rt in a gd mood t0dae , den suddenly tlnk 0f blur s0t0ng . ii miss c0r hiim & ii n0e he w0nt c0r bac , butt nv expected tat he actualli c0r bac . w0w !. ii wass so happi , butt he was w0rkin at tat tlme den ii dun wann fans hiim . actualli g0rt al0t tlngs wann tell him . butt dun0 h0w t0 sae , den ii t0ld him g0 d0 his own stuff butt he sae nvm keep askin miie t0 tell hiim . den he ask miie use hse f0ne c0r hiim . butt in e end ii nv , den he msg miie ask miie c0r hiim . butt ii nv , ii realli dun0 ii shld c0r hiim . ha0 fans w0rrs . alriite , shall end here .
den t0dae miie & shengli went t0 flnd hiim , luckily he gave us bac e mp3 . phew !* ii wann thanks kailing fer helpin miie wrlte e reflecti0n . thanks alot , gal !.
alriite , actualli i'm n0rt in a gd mood t0dae , den suddenly tlnk 0f blur s0t0ng . ii miss c0r hiim & ii n0e he w0nt c0r bac , butt nv expected tat he actualli c0r bac . w0w !. ii wass so happi , butt he was w0rkin at tat tlme den ii dun wann fans hiim . actualli g0rt al0t tlngs wann tell him . butt dun0 h0w t0 sae , den ii t0ld him g0 d0 his own stuff butt he sae nvm keep askin miie t0 tell hiim . den he ask miie use hse f0ne c0r hiim . butt in e end ii nv , den he msg miie ask miie c0r hiim . butt ii nv , ii realli dun0 ii shld c0r hiim . ha0 fans w0rrs . alriite , shall end here .
Saturday, May 20, 2006
wow !. lyk sh0 mani daes nerber p0st le . hahas . alriite , ii wann t0k b0utt ytd e sko0l x-fact0r . ii wann c0ngrats BAOBEIIS CATHERINE gettin in to e flnal 4 worrs !. she shld b happi bahs , she spent so much tlmes practicin niia . hahas . ii felt happi fer her too . butt feel sad fer j0husa , he din g0t in . ii tink he shld b quite sadd too ??. alth0ugh he sae he's n0rt sad ?. butt iif ii were him , i was oso b sadd de lors . nvm , j0shua , eu've d0ne ur best le riite ?. w0rk hard next tlme bahs !. JIA YOU !. well , all e best me0w , dun tlnk can pei go to e music skool fer ur trainin .
Monday, May 15, 2006
t0dae , havln art exams . ytd , rush mye art pre w0rkbk , ar0und 12 plus midnlte den slp . yawns * well , jieqi was absent & haikal was t0ld t0 stand 0utslde e art ro0m fer e wh0le exams as he didn't brlng anithin . w0w !. den after e exams , went hme wiif huili & xiao qing . den s0methin happened in e bus tat make miie du lan , as usual , e 99 bus will alwaes b cr0wded , and ii was stand near e door . den , a AUNTIE wanted t0 alight & tap her ez-link card . ii was s0rt 0f standin near e machine , c0s al0t 0f ppl , cnt m0ve in le , den e auntie said tiis : dun bl0ck e wae larhs , ii wann tap e ez-link card larhs . den ii was v.angri , ii sh0ut bac : as iif ii can m0ve in lyk tat , iif ii can ii os0 w0nt bl0ck e wae , riite ?. den e auntie heard tat & stared bac at miie . WTF !. n0rt happi , sh0ut back larhs . cant she jus sae excuse miie ars ?. n0 manners l0rs !. huili oso heard liia0 , oso du lan !. oso wann help miie scold bac de . iif she is an old w0man , ii can still understand , she's jus a aunt l0rrs !!. well , shall st0p till here .
Saturday, May 13, 2006
alriite , shall t0k b0utt t0dae . ii've a tlrln dae niia , were iin jp library alm0st e wh0le dae norhs . searchin bks fer mye art , luckily BUDDY jiiahuii was dere wiif miie , helpin miie . realli mushh thanks her alot , her art exams hab ended & can relax le , butt she still peii miie went up n d0wn e library t0 help miie flnd bks . realli tr0ubled her e wh0le dae , iim s0 s0rii ya !. butt in e endd , ii jus f0und a bk , butt ii dun tlnk tat bk cann help miie muchh bahs . haiis , actualli i dunch feel lyk doin art l0rrs . s0 b0rin niia , gonna chiiong everiting tml , h0pe ii cann finished !. g0d bless ~
Thursday, May 11, 2006
hmms , nv p0st fer ytd , was klnda 0f tlred larhhs . s0 shall p0st tiis fer ytd . hmms , as i've sae ytd g0rt 3 exams t0 take . nearly g0 craziie , sko0l realli siia0 de l0rs tiink we r0b0t arrs ?. cann d0 s0 manii exams in a dae ??!!. siia0 de niia . firstly , wass e chinese paper , was still alriite . den f0ll0w by physlcs , ii dun0 h0w t0 m0st 0f e qns . was s0 difficult l0rrs . WTF !. den chemistry os0 n0 nd t0 sae liia0s . ii tink ii g0nna fail mye c0mbined science . siians , wish miie gd luck bahs . iim left wiif art paper onlii , shit siia , ii g0t n0 idea 0f wadd t0 d0 siia . haiis . den after e exams , ii went t0 jp wiif huili , eunlce ,chien juen , huli & xia0 qing . we went t0 eat KFC , den sh0p sh0p jiu g0 hme n0rhs .
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
well , t0dae hab mye maths paper . guess wadd ?. e paper 1 was still alriite , butt ii still dunch hab c0nfldence tatt ii will passed . andd went c0me t0 paper 2 , 0h g0sh !. ii dun0 h0w t0 d0 , alth0ugh ii've d0ne m0st 0f e qns butt ii dun tlnk mye ans is c0rrect larhs . after e paper , ii went hme wiif huili , chien juen , xiia0 qing & rui ying . at flrst , huili asked miie g0 library revise fer tml's paper . butt ii dunch feel lyk goin & v.tlred . in da endd , we reach jur0ng p0int liia0s huili sae she dunch wann g0 liia0s den we jiu g0 hme n0rhs . den chlen juen , xiia0 qing & rui ylng jiu g0 eat & g0 library . tml g0rt 3 exams paper ii hab t0 take , flrst is 'o' level chinese , den chemistry den lastly is physic . s0 stress !. dunch feel lyk studyln , tml sure fail liiaos larhs . shall endd here *
Monday, May 08, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
hmms , n0w is exams week klnda 0f stress !. den still hab t0 t0lerate mye crazii father hu alwaes nag at miie ?. klnda of du lan lia0 l0rrs . ii jus received mue f0ne bill larhs , ablt lesser than last mth de l0rs . den he sc0ld miie , why ii use s0 much all tat l0rrs . WTF !. whye he cares s0 much siia . f0ne bill ish ii pay myself de l0rss . ka0beiis lehs , den s0mem0re he still sae he dun wann see miie use hp in fr0nt 0f him n0rhs . CHII BYE !. ii dun care , dun gif a damned n0rhs . feel lyk m0vin outt 0f hse , ka0beiis niia ~ hmms , thanks XIN TIAN meii fer c0ns0lin miie . thanks al0t & being dere fer miiie !.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
well , ii jus change a new blogskin & a new tagboard . s0 d0 help miiee tag .
thanks . t0dae is e first dae of e mid-yr exams . s0 stress siia !. t0dae is chlnese paper 1 & hist0ry paper . e chinese paper was alriite , butt e hist0ry !. dun0 h0w t0 d0 lorrs . its was a 1hr 30mins paper , butt ii tink i finished it within 3o mins . ii bet ii will get single marks fer mye history paper . shall end here gonna studii fer tml social studies paper , h0pe will b beta den t0dae .
well , ii jus change a new blogskin & a new tagboard . s0 d0 help miiee tag .
thanks . t0dae is e first dae of e mid-yr exams . s0 stress siia !. t0dae is chlnese paper 1 & hist0ry paper . e chinese paper was alriite , butt e hist0ry !. dun0 h0w t0 d0 lorrs . its was a 1hr 30mins paper , butt ii tink i finished it within 3o mins . ii bet ii will get single marks fer mye history paper . shall end here gonna studii fer tml social studies paper , h0pe will b beta den t0dae .
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
well , its been a long tlme siince ii last posted . i shall post fer wadd ii did on sundae , c0s ii din hab time to post . on tat dae , ii went out wiif BAOBEIIS seetheng . we mit each other at jp breadtalk first at 130 , ii tot ii'll b e 1 hu will b gonna t0 b late again butt ii didn't , ish see theng hu's late , wahahas . butt , nvm . she reach around 150 to 2 . den we went in to level B1 to buy mickey mouse ear ring . see theng help her cousins buy 3 pairs of ''big'' mickey mouse ear ring . butt wadd surprise miie was , e salesgirl seems to be blur blur de . e big 'mickey mouse' ear ring supposed to be 3 pairs $10 , see theng gif her a 10 dollar notes & she gave her a change of $5 . den we was lyk gif her a blur look , den she gif us bac a blur look too , den we hack care & walk awae . hahas , dun care . shhs !. den we take mrt to jurong east to take ne0prints , dere is a new 2006 edition neoprint machine , s0 we went t0 try it . its unlimited tlme de , s0 we hab plenty of time to decorate it . it was v.nice & ii simply loves it , next tlme mush go dere take again . aft tat we wanted to went to bugis but eu noe wad , it rains so heavily . wen we came , e weather was lyk so niice . den suddenly raiin , diiaoo lors . den we went in to kfc , den see theng sae she wann eat den peii her , cus rainin siia . oso cnt walk marhs . after she eat finished , e rain lyk nt so heavy le , den we run across e road & take train to bugis . weets .
bugis was crowded wiif lots of ppl siia . hhaaas . we went in to shop shop , peii see theng buy clothes , we were lyk siiao char bo lyk tatt . we took ne0prints agaiin . oh gosh !. we realli siiaos . den quite nice too . b4 we leave , we saw shengli & jamie . ii was lyk quite shocked to c dem . hahas . well , ii hab a great fun on sundae . we promised to go far east , af mid yr exams !.
bugis was crowded wiif lots of ppl siia . hhaaas . we went in to shop shop , peii see theng buy clothes , we were lyk siiao char bo lyk tatt . we took ne0prints agaiin . oh gosh !. we realli siiaos . den quite nice too . b4 we leave , we saw shengli & jamie . ii was lyk quite shocked to c dem . hahas . well , ii hab a great fun on sundae . we promised to go far east , af mid yr exams !.
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